Global Financial Wellness Calendar

Use this Global Financial Wellness Calendar created for HR and Benefits teams to know key dates, holidays & themed months for your workplace wellbeing strategy.
September 19, 2024
6 min
Brin Chartier

Workplace financial wellness has become a top priority for organizations worldwide. As a benefits professional or consultant, staying in-the-know of the evolving global financial wellness landscape is crucial to providing tailored and effective solutions for diverse employee demographics.The Global Financial Wellness Calendar is your comprehensive guide to navigating this intricate terrain. Beyond recognizing the importance of financial health on a global scale, this calendar serves as a strategic roadmap for leveraging key themes for your communication strategies.

Explore the Global Financial Wellness Calendar for themed months, dates, holidays, events, and more.

The Global Financial Wellness Calendar of Events: 2024 Edition

Jump to a month:

January 2024 Global Financial Wellness Events

World Economic Forum - Annual Meeting

  • January 1st - New Year's Day
    • Inspire employees to set financial goals, fostering a positive start to the year and promoting financial wellness in the multinational workplace.
  • January 24th - International Day of Education
    • International Day of Education serves as a reminder for global workplaces to invest in continuous learning initiatives, fostering financial education among employees, and promoting a workplace culture that values accessible education as a cornerstone of enhanced financial wellness.

February 2024 Global Financial Wellness Events

  • February 2nd: Global Talent Acquisition Day
    • A day dedicated to acknowledging the importance of talent acquisition and recruitment strategies. Wellness benefits, including financial wellness, have become the #1 most asked-for benefit and can supercharge an organization's talent acquisition strategies.
  • February 21st: International Mother Language
    • A UNESCO observance highlighting the importance of linguistic diversity. Organizations with a global workforce may use this day to celebrate the diverse languages spoken among their employees and promote language inclusivity across their financial wellness program.

March 2024 Global Financial Wellness Events

  • March 8th: International Women’s Day
    • Addressing gender equality is crucial for holistic financial wellness in the global workplace.
  • March 15th: World Sleep Day
    • Financially stressed employees lose sleep at night, impacting their productivity and workplace engagement. Address employee's financial health to care for their overall wellbeing.
  • March 20th: International Day of Happiness
    • Reminds us that financially healthy employees are happier, underlining the crucial connection between financial wellbeing and overall happiness in individuals' lives.
  • March 15th: World Consumer Rights Day
    • Advocating for consumer rights, including financial transparency and rights
  • March 18th to 23rd: Global Money Week
    • A week-long celebration to promote international financial education

Wherever your benefits communications strategy takes you, keep this calendar close by! Click below to download the 2024 Global Financial Wellbeing Calendar as a PDF.


April 2024 Global Financial Wellness Events

Financial Literacy Month

International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Spring Meetings

Tax Season Deadline (in many countries)

  • April 7th: World Health Day
    • Serves as a global initiative by the World Health Organization (WHO) to raise awareness, mobilize action, and promote discussions on pressing health issues, aiming to achieve better health for all.
  • April 24th: World Day for Safety and Health at Work
    • Focuses on promoting safe and healthy workplaces, an integral aspect of overall well-being.

May 2024 Global Financial Wellness Events

Global Employee Health and Fitness Month

  • May 1st: International Worker's Day
    • Commemorates the achievements of workers' rights movements worldwide, advocating for fair labor practices and honoring the contributions of workers to social and economic development.
  • May 15th: International Day of Families
    • Recognizes the importance of families, and workplaces often implement family-friendly policies impacting employees' work-life balance and financial planning.
  • May 16th: Global Accessibility Awareness Day
    • Audit the accessibility of your workplace financial wellbeing program -  are you meeting every employee where they are?

June 2024 Global Financial Wellness Events

  • June 5th: World Environment Day
    • Serves as a global platform for environmental awareness and action, inspiring individuals and communities to address pressing environmental challenges.
  • June 8th: Global Wellness Day
    • Dedicated to fostering healthier lifestyles worldwide by encouraging activities that promote financial, physical, and mental wellbeing.
  • Third Week of June: Global Inclusion Week
    • Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in workplaces and communities around the world.
  • June 20th: World Productivity Day
    • Financially healthy employees are more productive, as they bring their best selves to work every day. Focuses on raising awareness about the importance of holistic health to build an efficient workforce.
  • Last Week of June: World WellBeing Week
    • Aims to encourage individuals and organizations to prioritize and enhance overall wellbeing by focusing on financial, physical, mental, and social health.


July 2024 Global Financial Wellness Events

  • July 18th: Nelson Mandela International Day
    • Dedicated to the legacy of Nelson Mandela, and is observed as a day to promote peace, reconciliation, and cultural diversity.
  • July 28th: International Occupational Health and Safety Day
    • Recognized as a day to promote safe and healthy workplaces globally.

August 2024 Global Financial Wellness Events

  • August 12th: International Youth Day
    • This day focuses on promoting the rights and well-being of young people globally
  • August 15th: National Relaxation Day
    • Encourages individuals to unwind and prioritize self-care by engaging in activities that promote relaxation and stress relief.
  • August 19th: World Humanitarian Day
    • Honoring humanitarian efforts worldwide and paying tribute to people who have lost their lives in humanitarian service.
  • August 21st: World Entrepreneurs' Day
    • Honoring entrepreneurs and their contributions to innovation, job creation, and economic development.

September 2024 Global Financial Wellness Events

Global Employee Learning and Development Month

  • First Wednesday in September: Global Talent Acquisition Day
    • Recognizes the importance of talent and workforce management, impacting financial outcomes.
  • September 18th: International Equal Pay Day
    • Highlights the ongoing global effort to achieve gender pay equity by raising awareness about the persistent gender pay gap and advocating for equal compensation for work of equal value.
  • Fourth Friday in September: International Day of Happiness at Work
    • Focuses on promoting happiness and wellbeing in the workplace, including financial health.
  • September 20th - 25th: International Week of Happiness at Work
    • Financially healthy employees are happier at work. Celebrate their success this week in September

Looking for this list as a friendly PDF? Click below to snag a copy of the 2024 Global Financial Wellbeing Calendar.


October 2024 Financial Wellness Events

Global Diversity Awareness Month

  • First Week of October: World Investor Week
    • Promotes investor education and protection.
  • October 10th: World Mental Health Day
    • Emphasizes mental health awareness and support within the workplace, recognizing its impact on overall wellbeing, including financial health.
  • October 17th: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
    • Addresses poverty, a critical factor in financial wellbeing.
  • Third Thursday in October: International Credit Union Day
    • Celebrates the contributions of credit unions worldwide to employee financial health and stability.
  • Fourth Wednesday in October: Global Ethics Day
    • Emphasizes ethical behavior, including in financial matters.
  • October 31st: World Savings Day
    • Encourages employees to save money and create awareness about the importance of savings.

November 2024 Financial Wellness Events

  • First Week of November: International Stress Awareness Week
    • A week dedicated to raising awareness about stress, its effects, and strategies for managing stress.
  • November 13th: World Kindness Day
    • Promotes kindness and encourages individuals to perform acts of kindness towards others
  • November 21st: World Hello Day
    • An international event encouraging communication and dialogue between people of different backgrounds and cultures.

December 2024 Global Financial Wellness Events

  • December 3: International Day of Persons with Disabilities
    • This day promotes the rights and well-being of people with disabilities.
  • December 4th: International Day of Banks
    • Recognizes the role of banks in the global economy and financial systems.
  • December 5: International Volunteer Day
    • Encourages volunteering, which can impact community health and financial wellbeing.
  • December 9th: International Anti-Corruption Day
    • Raises awareness about the detrimental effects of corruption and promotes anti-corruption initiatives globally.
  • December 12th: Universal Health Coverage Day
    • Promotes the idea that everyone, everywhere should have access to quality health services without suffering financial hardship.
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